Everything about callboys, dates, and booking

Do you have any questions? We will answer them!

Transparency and dealing openly with questions are very important to us at High Class Callboys. We want you to already be informed about relevant processes and feel safe before your booking. That is why we have put together the most frequently asked questions from our clients and escorts.

You can find the fee overview of our independent escorts directly on the respective profiles of the men. The travel costs incurred for your dream man have to be paid in addition to the usual fee. At the beginning of the date, you hand over the agreed amount to the callboy discretely in an unsealed (!) envelope.

If a longer journey is necessary and a longer booking time is agreed upon, a deposit is required. In this way, we avoid so-called “sham bookings“. Under fees (link), you will find all the information about possible means of payment.

Please inform us as soon as possible if you have to cancel a booking. Of course, any payments already made will be refunded! Unfortunately, we cannot refund hotel rooms, flight and train tickets already booked because a free cancellation with external service providers is not possible.

Basically, all payments can be made in cash, by transfer, via PayPal, or also via Western Union. We will be pleased to help you if you have any questions or need assistance.

An appropriate atmosphere is important for you and the escort man. Basically, visits to your home or in the office are possible if either a deposit was paid or proof of address is provided. In this way, we avoid “sham bookings“.

We process your data exclusively for the processing and implementation of your booking and delete them afterwards. Our entire team treats all your data strictly confidential.

If the chemistry between the two of you is not right, then please communicate it to your callboy. He receives an expense allowance afterwards.

You can, of course, tell your callboy about your outfit wishes. Regardless of whether casual, business look, or sporty – our escort men are changeable and always dress according to the occasion. The man will meet your dress code at his own discretion.

Was your question not included or was it insufficiently answered?
Then contact us by phone: +49 176-45 99 82 18, by e-mail, or simply use our contact form.